if you would be so kind to give your opinion on this point.
I am currently building a water cooled barrel using a D14"cast iron barrel, adding extra transfers and exhausts, for my 125 crank reed engine, when I first built it, I followed George Harris suggestions on boring the barrel to 2.610" (approx 66.5mm) for the liner o/d sizes,
my engine was / is a 54x54.
But I'm really confused or missing somthing, as in the same manual, Mick scut sugests that boring the barrel to anything over a size of 62.5mm will render the barrel weak. !
My questions are please please expalin the theory at this time as I followed this and dont want to build a new barrel that is flawed before I start,
so could you both clarify sadly George it no longer with us, so Trevor if you could perhaps explain what you feel Georges theory on this, and Mick please explain or give me an opinion on this
I would be very greatful.
regards Derek