I was hoping that no one would cotton on to the little deception that was at play here. I do feel sorry for the guy depicted, a very affable Australian by the name of Rod Short, his usefulness is, sadly, over and the new chap, John Long, will take up his new duties as soon as the development engine is fully up and running. It does, however, speak volumes for the willingness of both, Mr.Short and Mr.Long, to be employed in this way. Rod did complain of being used and subsequently discarded, but there can be no room for sentimentality in the forward thrust of cutting edge Bantam engine development!
To stagnate is to then decline, and so the quest goes on, and on, ad-infinitum, and we must be prepared to use any means by which success may be fully realised!
But I do have to caution others hoping to pursue this line of thinking and secure their own, personal, "insider", that passport issue and control in and out of Lilliput can be both, tricky and frustratingly protracted, to say the very least!? I speak from personal experience, and acknowledge the assistance provided to me, by one, J. Swift, whose services were kindly provided by Her Majesty`s diplomatic service.
I will issue performance updates as and when appropriate, so that, by way of valediction, is about the long and short of it all ?