Hi Robbie100,
Many of the bantam racers run Avgas, the advantage is the reliability factor! The Avgas burns slower than pump petrol, as a consequence there is more unburnt fuel about (you need to run a slightly bigger jet) this acts as a coolant to the engine. To assist with obtaining a little extra power it is also possible to run a slightly higher compression ratio to speed up the burn and advance the ignition about an extra 3 to 4 degrees over the settings for pump petrol. The Avgas is a controlled fuel as it is for light aircraft, this means the variation found with pump petrol is nothing like as great with Avgas, so your fuel settings are much more stable.
I advise the use of Avgas if you can get it, I will not run on pump petrol!
Hope that helps! do yourself a favour and stay away from Methanol, but if you race with us at any time then you are restricted to petrol and Avgas in the bantam racing rules.